30 Juni 2010


The mignonette are herbaceous, usually fragrant, Reseda genus of the family Resedaceae. This genus comprises about fifty species of annual, biennial or perennial, originating from North Africa, Europe and western Asia.

Etymologically, "mignonette" comes from the Latin resedare, calm, with reference to the medicinal properties attributed to certain species.


Herbs, annual, biennial or perennial, 40 cm to 1.30 m high. Leaves alternate, 1-15 cm long, entire, toothed or pinnate, forming a basal rosette and are staged along the stem.

The flowers are not spectacular, small (4-6 mm in diameter), white, yellow, orange or green. They have 4 to 6 petals and are grouped in long inflorescences (clusters or spikes). The fruits are capsules containing many black seeds.

Source: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9s%C3%A9da

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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