25 Juni 2010

Incarvillea arguta

Incarvillea arguta (Royle) Royle, is a herbaceous plant species belonging to the family Bignoniaceae.


It is located on mountain slopes and thickets 1400-2700 (-3.4 thousand) meters. In Gansu, west and northeast Guizhou, southwestern Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan of China and India and Nepal.


They are herbaceous perennials that reach 1.5 m in height. The leaves are alternate, pinnately compound, not clustered at the base of the stem of 15 cm in length, with wings 5-11, oval-lanceolate, 3-5 X 1.5-2 cm, pale green and glabrous, green dark, broad-based pubescent uneven margin serrate, the apex long-acuminate.

Cluster inflorescence bracts 3 mm; Corolla pale red or purple-red, campanulate 4 X 2 cm, with tube 1.8-2.2 cm. 4 X 2 cm. Stamens adherent anthers divergent. Capsule linear, cylindrical to 20 cm. Seeds numerous, tiny, sharp and filiform pubescent on both ends.

Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarvillea_arguta

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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