29 Juni 2010

Nolana Flowers and buds

Some species of flowering already very young, when the plant size is only a few centimeters. The most striking blooms occur in the species complex to Nolana acuminata (corresponding to clade A, see Internal classification) with diameters of 3-5 cm.

The flowers are typically singly in the leaf axils, rarely are trained on the ascending, modified branches, spiciform inflorescences, where every flower rises from a circular of the axillary bract.

The fivefold, but somewhat further to zygomorph flowers are bisexual. Are the flowers zygomorph, both perianth and the androecium (the total of all stamens) or only the androecium be asymmetrical.

The five petals are shaped the same or different, bilabiate grown together and regularly until almost. They rarely are reduced to a ungelappten tube. The cup stays on the fruit are and encloses them. The crown is funnel shaped, bell-shaped or tubular, rarely almost urn-shaped or stieltellerförmig.

The five petals are fused and folded conformation between the Kronlappen, regularly formed or nearly double lip. They are blue, purple, lavender or white, the coronary band is at the base of purple or white and can be pale yellow, white or green streaks.

The five stamens are faced with the sepals. Three of the stamens have longer filaments than the other two stamens. The filaments are fused together at the base and often hairy.

The anthers open on inward longitudinal slots. From them the pollen comes in the form of individual blue or white, dreifurchigen pollen grains.

The receptacle is a high, circular, notched or lobed disk from which nectar is secreted. The ovary is composed of five carpels. The style is terminal in the subgenus Alona, in the subgenus Nolana he stands on the Fruchtknotenwulst (gynobasisch). The scar is köpfchenförmig and humid.

Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nolana

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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