The Krause dock (Rumex crispus) is a species of the family Polygonaceae (Polygonaceae).
The Krause sorrel is common and is circumpolar in the entire Eurasian Region. He is widely distributed throughout Germany. It is found in weeds, on the banks, ditches, in fields where geese Angern, in wet meadows. He prefers compacted, heavy, nutrient-rich clay and clay soil. According to Ellenberg is a Halblichtpflanze, a Mäßigwärmezeiger, a Feuchtezeiger, increasing to moderately nitrogen-rich sites and a Klassencharakterart Kriechstraußgras the lawn or turf flood (Agrostietea stolonifera).
The dock Krause is an evergreen perennial, herbaceous plants, the height of about 30-150 centimeters achieved. He is one of the hemicryptophytes. The basal leaves are marked with a clipped heart-shaped base and grow from the front to a point. The leaf blades of basal leaves are four to eight times longer than wide, long and 40 cm and wavy edge. The leaf margin is heavily wrinkled. (Thus, this species was also her nickname.)
Its inconspicuous flowers are characterized by foremen. It blooms from June to August. Its flowers are pollinated by wind. The Valve are always entire and wider than the existing callus. This is great, developed early on, and hardens. The fruit stalks are usually twice as long as the Valve and the upper side shaped wide kreiselartig. The fruits are on average only 1.5 to 1.8 mm wide.
See Also: sending flowers, online florist
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