31 Mei 2010

Rental Kiddy bear dan perlengkapan bayi

Demi melihat senyuman dan gelak tawa sang buah hati, apapun akan dilakukan orangtua. Terlebih orangtua yang "berkecukupan", mainan dengan harga jutaan rupiah rela dikeluarkan dari dompetnya untuk memenuhi keinginan anak. Tapi kendalanya anak-anak cepat sekali bosan dengan mainannya. Alhasil, mainan yang dibeli dengan harga jutaan rupiah tersebut terbengkalai di sudut ruangan rumah. Tapi, sifat anak yang gampang bosa kerap membikin orantua puyeng. Acapkali si anak bosan pada mainan yang mereka miliki. Walhasil, para bokap-nyokap terpaksa membeli mainan baru dengan harga bantingan.Alternatif lain adalah menyewa mainan. Nah, cara alternatif ini mengibaskan angin segar bagi para pengusaha
rental mainan.

Dunia anak memang dunia bermain. Di samping bermain, anak mengapresiasikan dan belajar mengenali dunia lewat apapun yang intens berinteraksi dengannya. Dari lingkungan dan warna hidup yang berjuta, anak melatih kreativitas di samping mengembangkan daya kreasi dan imajinasinya, tentunya lewat sarana bermain. Bisa dibilang, bermain bagi anak adalah hal yang fitrah adanya. Nah, kalau bisa menyewa dengan harga terjangkau, mengapa harus membeli dengan harga selangit. Yang penting, anak senang, orangtua bisa lebih hemat. Agar banyak yang melirik, pelaku bisnis ini mesti punya mainan bermerek terkenal, seperti Fisher Price, Mega Bloks, atau Leap Frog. Kalau perlu, para pengusaha itu menyediakan rental mainan yang tidak ada di dalam negeri.

Sumber : harian-global.com

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Bocoran tentang Toyota Minivan Alpha Hibrida

Toyota, produsen mobil nomor satu di dunia terus bergerak maju dengan menambah rangkaian varian Prius hibrida plug-in tahun depan. Kali ini model tersebut bukan lagi liftback, melainkan minivan atau MPV kompak yang diberi nama Alpha.

Hebatnya lagi, proyek hibrida terbaru ini telah dijadikan prioritas dengan target peluncuran pada bulan Maret tahun depan. Minivan hibrida ini menurut informasi langsung menggunakan baterai lithium-ion. Namun, untuk menekan harga Toyota, Toyota menyertakan versi dengan baterai yang digunakan Prius sekarang, Nikel Metal Hidrida (NiMH).

Rencana Toyota tersebut diberitakan oleh beberapa media on-line otomotif internasional yang mengaku memperoleh sumber dari orang dalam Toyota. Dijelaskan pula, bobot baterai lithium-ion baru Toyota ini hanya sepertiga dari versi NiMH yang digunakan sekarang pada Prius.

Alpha atau Prius Alpha menggunakan sasis Prius terakhir dengan tambahan jok baris ketiga di belakang sehingga mengubah ujud kendaraan menjadi minivan. Toyota memilih nama Alpha untuk memudahkan sebutan langsung setelah Prius. Minivan ini diberitakan lebih panjang 300 mm dari Prius dan jarak sumbu roda mulur 20 mm.

Toyota juga berencana membuat versi lima penumpang. Namun, varian ini masih mengandalkan baterai NiMH. Diperkirakan, minivan 7 penumpang Prius hibrida ini dijual di Jepang dengan harga Toyota mulai dari 2,5 juta yen atau Rp 250 juta. Ia akan menjadi saingan berat bagi minivan yang banyak dipasarkan di Jepang saat ini.

Kendati rencana Toyota meluncurkan Prius Alpha tahun depan bocor, belum ada media yang memiliki foto, gambar, atau rendering mobil tersebut. Foto yang dimuat adalah konsep hibrida X yang pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Toyota saat Pameran Mobil Jenewa pada 2007. Waktu itu, sudah berhembus informasi bahwa hibrida ini akan menjadi varian tambahan buat Prius generasi berikutnya.


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Iklan baris mulai meresahkan

Hati - hati iklan baris yang menyesatkan

Kemarin saya hampir saja ketipu iklan yang mengatakan bisa menarik duit dari ATM tanpa mengurangi saldo kita. Setelah saya cek di berbagai website yang me-review iklan seperti itu, ternyata iklan itu tidak jujur,” kata Ichwan, seorang pemasang iklan baris atau gambar dalam curhatnya kepada penulis lewat Yahoo!Messenger.

Penulis tidak akan menilai apakah situs tersebut bohong atau tidak, tetapi jelas dengan cara menyembunyikan ”cara mendapatkan uang” sudah cukup alasan untuk mengatakan ada yang disembunyikan.

Iklan-iklan yang tak memiliki etika selalu menggunakan bahasa-bahasa bombastis, berlebih-lebihan, dan tak sesuai akal sehat. Persoalan di Indonesia adalah tidak semua pengunjung internet sadar bahwa iklan online juga bisa menyesatkan.

Masih banyak pengguna internet awam yang beranggapan internet bisa ”menciptakan keajaiban marketing” tanpa kerja keras. Internet dianggap seolah sebagai sesuatu yang nilainya hi-tech, canggih, melampaui akal sehat konvensional, dan bisa mempercepat kaya seperti cerita-cerita dunia dongeng tentang kesuksesan Google atau Yahoo!.

Celah psikologis ini dimanfaatkan oleh para pengiklan yang memindahkan bisnis konvensional (yang sebagian banyak berbau money game) ke bisnis online. Hanya mengubah cara merekrut orang dari presentasi tatap muka ke email, iklan baris online atau website, dan mengganti istilah ”downline” dengan istilah ”reseller” sudah banyak yang ”luluh lantak” hatinya dan merasa percaya bahwa ini benar-benar keajaiban internet.

Padahal, yang sering terjadi hanyalah pemanfaatan celah psikologi pengunjung awam yang tak paham soal teknologi internet. ”Cetak uang gratis dari ATM,” begitu salah satu bunyi iklan.

Di iklan baris lain mengatakan, ”Programmer kami telah bekerja menciptakan sistem ini.” Di iklan yang satunya lagi sudah beda kalimatnya, ”Hacker kami telah berhasil menciptakan bla... bla... bla....” Seolah memperkuat bahwa apa yang ditawarkan benar-benar bisa mempercepat kaya.

Beberapa situs lama memilih untuk menggunakan bahasa pemasaran yang lebih sopan dengan mengatakan internet merupakan sarana pemasaran yang andal. Mereka akan memberi contoh-contoh kesuksesan yang pernah diraih seseorang, tapi tak jelas bagaimana cara meraih sukses itu. Apakah menjual sebuah produk ataukah hanya menjual script (program membuat website untuk jualan produk serupa) atau e-book semata?

Karena itu, sebelum mempercayai sesuatu itu logis atau tidak dan benar atau bohong, mau tidak mau harus bertanya dulu kepada pelaku yang pernah mencoba. Sayangnya, review berbagai produk online seperti itu masih langka di Indonesia. Akibatnya, korban-korban money game semakin banyak dan mereka akan terus merekrut korban lainnya.

Jika misalnya menemukan iklan ”Produk Ajaib Cepat Kaya”, masukkan ke mesin pencari nama produk tersebut untuk mencari tahu respons pengunjung lainnya, contohnya: produk ajaib cepat kaya bohong. Jika pernah ada yang melaporkan produk tersebut bohong, di mesin pencari akan menampilkan pembicaraan soal pro dan kontra produk tersebut.


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Tips mudah pasang iklan di internet

Pasang iklan seperti sudah kebutuhan wajib bagi para pebisnis online bisa membayar jasa pemasang iklan atau dilakukan sendiri secara manual/otomatis.Bila membayar jasa pemasang iklan tentu anda tidak akan capek dalam menginput iklan karena akan dilakukan oleh jasa pasang iklan tersebut,tetapi ini berbayar dan biasanya mahal.Bila dilakukan sendiri akan terasa sangat capek apalagi dilakukan tanpa trik,akan membuat iklan anda tidak efektif.Berikut tips untuk memasang iklan.

1. Gunakan judul yang membuat orang penasaran (ini berlaku untuk mengiklankan web,produk)

2. Gunakan keyword di judul dan isi (ini berlaku untuk meningkatkan rangking anda di search engine)

3. Isi iklan gunakanlah kalimat persuasif(anda harus bisa mengajak pembaca iklan)

4. Isi iklan jangan terlalu panjang,juga juga jangan terlalu pendek usahakan dibuat dengan 2 atau lebih paragraph.

5. Kalau link iklan tidak bisa di klik langsung(saya menemui ada iklan baris seperti ini)anda harus menggunakan url tredirection misal dengan .tk ini untuk pengunjung tidak mengcopy alamat utamanya saja dan tidak menambahkan id=anda (berlaku bagi reseller dan web replika)

Sedangkan triknya sebagai berikut(berlaku unutk pasang iklan sendiri)

1. Gunakan sofware pasang iklan massal misal suryapromo.Namun dalam menggunakannya anda tidak usah submit semua keiklan baris ini akan memakan waktu dan melelahkan.Anda cukup submit ke iklan baris terkenal.Cara mencari yang terkenal itu lihat di list iklan barisnya dan kunjungi coba cek alexa rank dan jumlah online dan pemasang pada hari itu(alexa semakin rendah semakin baik,jumlah online dan pemasang sebaliknya)contoh yang terkenal:ads.hermawan.net dan ads.oggix.com

2. Apakah lebih baik input iklan ke ratusan iklan baris namun hanya sekali,atau input ke iklan baris ke beberapa saja namun beberapa jam sekali.Jawabannya lebih baik yang ke beberapa saja namun anda input beberap jam sekali kenapa?karena web iklan baris yg sangat ramai adalah halaman utamanya,setiap anda input iklan maka iklan anda akan ada dihalaman utama namun tidak lama ,makanya perlu input beberapa kali .

3. Anda juga bisa coba sebarmedia.com,sebariklangratis.com,spyonad.com,sebariklanbaris.com untuk mengiklankan secara massal dan gratis.

4. Gunakanlah roboform untuk menginput isi dari iklan ini akan jauh menghemat waktu anda.

5. Yang terakhir jangan malas dalam input iklan(ini kunci kesuksesan)

Mungkin itu dulu tips& trik pasang iklan baris,jika ada yang mau menambahkan silahkan saja.


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Kemudaha pasang Iklan serta promosi di internet

Sedikit ingin berbagi pengalaman dalam melakukan promosi melalui pasang iklan baris yang terpasang di internet.

Bagi anda pelaku bisnis internet, atau apapun juga, kegiatan promosi adalah suatu hal yang wajib dilakukan kalo ingin meningkatkan penjualannya.

Promosi merupakan sarana paling efektif untuk menyebarkan informasi dan peluang yang kita miliki agar diketahui oleh masyarakat luas.

Di Internetpun demikian, melalui promosi, maka blog kita, bisnis kita, semuanya akan menjadi terasa mudah dan tentunya akan meningkatkan rating bagi penjualan kita.

Namun karena di internet ini sangat banyak sekali website yang menyediakan sarana untuk promosi berupa iklan baris,maka tentunya kita juga harus bisa memanfaatkan kesempatan ini agar lebih efektif dan efisien.

Tentunya sangat merepotkan kalo kita harus submit ke 850 website iklan baris secara satu persatu, butuh waktu dan pastinya sangat melelahkan.

Beruntung kita yang pasang iklan di internet ada software pendukung untuk pasang iklan secara massal dan langsung tersubmit ke sekitar 985 website iklan baris gratis hanya dengan sekali pasang saja.

Ini mang buktikan sendiri, karena sudah 2 bulan ini mang melakukan promosi MPP Syariah dan menggunakan software pasang iklan massal, hasilnya memang betul terpasang dan tersebar di hampir lebih dari 800 website iklan baris.

Cara kerjanya sangat mudah, tidak membutuhkan waktu lama, bahkan setting untuk pertama kali install di komputer juga tidak memakan waktu lama.

untuk software pasang iklan massal silahkan anda cari di google.


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Kemudahan dan cepatnya promosi iklan di internet

Hampir 1 miliar orang di dunia terhubung di internet. Pengguna saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan, interaksi sosial, reputasi online, mencari materi sekolah, lowongan kerja, atau sekadar iseng menghabiskan waktu luang.

Integrasi ini semakin lama menjadi kekuatan kolektif yang belum pernah dikenal manusia sebelumnya, bahkan untuk sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Situasi ini nampaknya tidak berlebihan untuk disebut sebagai revolusi komunikasi dan informasi global. Gejala baru yang nampak menonjol adalah pemanfataan file-sharing, blog, situs yang dapat disunting beramai-ramai bernama Wiki dan layanan jejaring sosial seperti LinkedIn, MySpace serta Meetup Inc., yang membantu setiap orang-mulai dari penggemar kartun hingga pemburu ayat-ayat Al-kitab.

Teknologi semacam ini ternyata mampu mengangkat potensi unik internet dengan cara yang tidak dilakukan e-mail ataupun situs tradisional.Situasi yang dinamis tersebut tentu rugi jika disia-siakan oleh para jasa pasang iklan. Perusahaan yang cerdas akan selalu melihat celah-celah menyampaikan pesan kepada calon konsumen. Maka jangan heran ketika iklan televisi sering diabaikan pemirsa, maka dunia online menjadi salah satu alternatif.

Memasuki kawasan internet kemungkinan besar pasar bisnis berubah dalam waktu cepat dan menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia, termasuk negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang kini jumlah pengguna internetnya baru mencapai 16 jutaan. Dalam gelombang bisnis internet (e-business) ini, para pemain online menjual komoditas seperti buku, musik, atau perdagangan saham. Konsumen tak perlu lagi melihat, memegang barang yang bakal dibeli, sebab yang terpenting adalah tahu harga dan kualitas barang.

Yang terpenting dari transaksi adalah pelayanan baik, kesepakatan harga dan saling menjaga kepercayaan. Prospek pasang iklan di pasar online membuka kesempatan yang lain, baik bagi perusahaan kecil, besar maupun korporasi, termasuk membuka kesempatan para calon konsumen untuk berinteraksi. Iklan online menjadi semacam pasar domestik yang menglobal.

Kehadirannya bisa mengancam eksistensi pasar iklan media cetak, bahkan ke depan pasar iklan televisi bisa tersaingi. Namun semuanya ditentukan oleh sedikit-banyaknya pengguna internet. Untuk Indonesia, potensi pasang iklan seperti di atas masih perlu menunggu waktu.*


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

24 Mei 2010


Descurainia pinnata is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name western tansymustard. It is native to North America, where it is widespread and found in varied habitats.

It is especially successful in deserts. It is a hardy plant which easily becomes weedy, and can spring up in disturbed, barren sites with bad soil. This is a hairy, heavily branched, mustardlike annual which is quite variable in appearance.

There are several subspecies which vary from each other and individuals within a subspecies may look different depending on the climate they endure.

This may be a clumping thicket or a tall, erect mustard. It generally does not exceed 70 centimeters in height.

It has highly lobed or divided leaves with pointed, toothed lobes or leaflets. At the tips of the stem branches are tiny yellow flowers. The fruit is a silique one half to two centimeters long upon a threadlike pedicel.

This plant reproduces only from seed. This tansymustard is toxic to grazing animals in large quantities due to nitrates and thiocyanates; however, it is a nutritious in smaller amounts.

The flowers are attractive to butterflies. The seeds are said to taste somewhat like black mustard and were utilized as food by Native American peoples such as the Navajo.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Descurainia_pinnata

See Also: flower sydney, flowers philippines, flowers jamaica

Paeonia mlokosewitschii

Paeonia mlokosewitschii (Golden Peony or Caucasian Peony) is a species of peony, native to the Caucasus Mountains in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Dagestan, where it grows on rocky slopes in oak, hornbeam, or beech forests.

In 2002, the Chinese botanist Hong Deyuan reduced it to a subspecies of Paeonia daurica, namely Paeonia daurica (Andrews ) subsp. mlokosewitschii (Lomakin) D.Y.Hong 2003.

It is a herbaceous perennial plant growing twenty-three to twenty-seven inches (60–70 cm) tall, with biternate, glaucous leaves with obovate lobes.

In spring it bears large, single, lemon-yellow flowers five inches (10–12 cm) in diameter, the ovary pubescent, the two to four carpels white, pink or yellow, and the stamen filaments yellow-green.

It was discovered by the Polish botanist Ludwik Mlokosiewicz in 1897, after whom it was named by Aleksandr Lomakin.

The plant is sometimes nicknamed "Molly the Witch", a humorous mispronunciation of the species name, which most non-Poles find difficult to pronounce.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paeonia_mlokosewitschii

See Also: florist sydney, florist melbourne, flowers brisbane

Brighamia insignis

Brighamia insignis, commonly known as ʻŌlulu or Alula in Hawaiian, or colloquially as cabbage on a stick, is a critically endangered species of Hawaiian lobelioid in the bellflower family, Campanulaceae.

It is native to the islands of Kauaʻi and Niʻihau. This short-lived perennial species is a member of a unique endemic Hawaiian genus with only one other species.

It is now extremely rare. In 1994 the United States Fish and Wildlife Service reported five populations totaling 45 to 65 individuals.

B. insignis is a potentially branched plant with a succulent stem that is bulbous at the bottom and tapers toward the top, ending in a compact rosette of fleshy leaves. The stem is usually 1–2 m (3.3–6.6 ft) in height, but can reach 5 m (16 ft).

It has clusters of fragrant yellow flowers in groups of three to eight in the leaf axils. Petals are fused into a tube 7 to 14 cm (2.8 to 5.5 in) long. The fruit is a capsule 13 to 19 mm (0.51 to 0.75 in) long containing numerous seeds.

B. insignis is found at elevations from sea level to 480 m (1,570 ft) in mesic shrublands and dry forests that receive less than 170 cm (67 in) of annual rainfall. It grows on rocky ledges with little soil and steep sea cliffs.

Associated plants include ʻāhinahina (Artemisia spp.) ʻakoko (Euphorbia celastroides), alaheʻe (Psydrax odorata), kāwelu (Eragrostis variabilis), pili (Heteropogon contortus), kokiʻo ʻula (Hibiscus kokio), ʻānaunau (Lepidium serra), nehe (Lipochaeta succulenta), pokulakalaka (Munroidendron racemosum), and ʻilima (Sida fallax).

According to the U.S. Botanical Gardens, its only pollinator was a certain type of now-extinct hawk moth. This has made it all but impossible for B. insignis to reproduce on its own.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brighamia_insignis

See Also: gifts australia, flowers melbourne, flowers sydney, Floral

Chamaecrista fasciculata

Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea) is a species of legume native to most of the eastern United States. It is an annual which grows to approximately 0.5 meters tall.

It has bright yellow flowers from early summer until first frost, with flowers through the entire flowering season if rainfall is sufficient.

The flowers are hermaphroditic (contain both male and female parts) although a small number of plants (less than 5%) do not produce sufficient pollen to reproduce as males (and are thus called male steriles).

This phenomenon has been studied in a variety of plants as a possible evolutionary step towards dioecy (in which male and female flowers occur on separate plants). C. fasciculata is pollinated only by bees. The gene dispersal via pollen transfer and seed dispersal averaged 17.6 square meter neighborhood area.

It thrives in areas that have recently burned, but will decline in numbers in the years following a fire. It is considered an excellent choice for planting in disturbed areas, as it will quickly cover an area, preventing erosion, and decline as other plants become established. It is also grown as an ornamental or for honey production.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamaecrista_fasciculata

See Also: next day flowers delivery, florist bouquet, online flower

Uvularia grandiflora

Large-flowered bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora) is a plant in the family Colchicaceae, native to eastern North America. It blooms in May, producing large yellow flowers. The top parts of the plant tend to bend downward due to the weight of the leaves and flowers.

The light green stems are round, glabrous, and glaucous and the leaves are perfoliate since the stem appears to come through the leaves at the base.

Large flowered bellwort are different from Uvularia sessilifolia in that the leaves of U. sessilifolia grow from the stem and its flowers are smaller. U. grandiflora are also different from Uvularia perfoliata, which occurs in Central North America.

U. perfoliata has similar large perfoliate leaves like the grandiflora, but the flowers have orange-coloured bumps on the petals.

Bumblebees, Mason bees, Halictid bees, and Andrenid bees feed from the nectar and collect pollen from the flowers. Deer love to eat these plants.

In fall three capsuled ovaries can be observed on some individuals. The seeds have attached food bodies (elaiosome) making it attractive to ants for the redistribution of the seeds.

Its native range extends from the Appalachian mountains west to the Dakotas, north to Manitoba and Quebec, and south to Louisiana and Georgia.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uvularia_grandiflora

See Also: same day delivery flower, florist Canada, florists deliver

Chrysothamnus nauseosus

Chrysothamnus nauseosus, also known as rubber rabbitbrush, gray rabbitbrush, or Chamisa, is a shrub of the genus Chrysothamnus that grows in the arid regions of western North America.

The large number of identified subspecies (28 named), is the result of significant variation within the species.

It is a shrubby, 12- to 90-inch (30–230 cm) perennial, producing pungent-smelling, golden-yellow flowers in late summer and early fall. Flower heads are numerous and occur in umbrella-shaped terminal clusters.

The shrub reproduces from seeds and root sprouts. Leaves, depending on the subspecies, are long and narrow to spatula-shaped. Both the flexible (rubbery) stems and the leaves are greenish-gray with a soft felt-like covering.

Along with associated species, like big sage and western wheat grass, rubber rabbitbrush is a significant source of food for browsing wildlife on winter ranges.

Dense stands of this species often grow on poorly managed rangelands, in disturbed areas along roadways and on abandoned agricultural property.

Rabbitbrush has gained popularity as an ornamental xeriscaping shrub in areas where water conservation is important. It thrives in a wide range of coarse, alkaline soils that are common to desert environments.

Pruning the shrub back to several inches in early spring, before new growth begins, may help improve the shrub's ornamental value.

Specimens growing in Bayo Canyon, near Los Alamos, New Mexico, exhibit a concentration of radioactive strontium-90 300,000 times higher than a normal plant.

Their roots reach into a closed nuclear waste treatment area, mistaking strontium for calcium due to its similar chemical properties. The radioactive shrubs are "indistinguishable from other shrubs without a Geiger counter."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysothamnus_nauseosus

See Also: uk florist, flower shops delivery, flowers uk, Florist Toronto

Lactuca muralis

Lactuca muralis (Wall lettuce), or Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. is a perennial flowering plant of the genus Lactuca in the family Asteraceae, subfamily Cichorioideae, tribe Cichorieae.

Its chief characteristic is an open airy clumps of yellow flowers. Each "flower" is actually a composite flower, consisting of five petal-like flowers (strap or ray flowers), each approximately 5–7 mm in length. Lactuca Muralis grows about 2–4 feet tall with the lower leaves pinnately toothed and clasping.

It is a native of Europe but has invaded shady roadsides, paths and logged areas of the Pacific Northwest. It can be found in woodlands, especially Beech. It is also found in calcerous soils, and walls.

It grows from 25 to 150 cm tall, is slender and hairless. It often has purplish stems, and exudes a milky juice.

The lower leaves are lyre shaped, pinnate shaped. The lobes are triangular in shape. The upper leaves are stalkless, smaller and less lobed. All leaves are red tinged.

The achenes are short beaked, spindle shaped and black. The pappus has simple white hairs, the inner longer than the outer.

The flower heads are yellow, small, 1 cm wide more or less, on branches 90 degrees to the main stem. It flowers from June until September. It has 5 yellow ray florets.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactuca_muralis

See Also: Flower Chelsea, order flowers delivery, florist london

Oxytropis campestris

Oxytropis campestris is a plant native to the western United States and Canada, sometimes grown as an ornamental plant.

The plant grows perennially, with an acaulescent forb reaching 20 to 50 cm in height and has a taproot.

It is found in prairies, woods, and meadows, and prefers gravelly and rocky slopes, where is grows most abundantly. The plant has numerous variants.

It blooms flowers from May to July. These are racemes that are capitate or oblong, 4 to 15 cm in length. The plants have 8 to 32 flowers that rise from a scape. The actual flowers have five lobes and form a calyx tube.

They are of a cream to yellowish color, but sometimes of pink, blue, or purple, with hairs that are usually black.

The keel petals are pointed, and often have purple blotches. The plant also produces fruit which matures from July to September.

These are legumes which are oblong-ovate 1.5 to 2 cm in length. They are mostly sessile and dehiscent from the tip. The fruit has membranous and contains many seeds.

Leaves grow alternately in a pinnate fashion and are usually 8 to 40 cm long. The leaves are dimorphic, with primary leaves short ovate leaflets, and secondary leaves with 11 to 33 leaflets. These secondary leaflets are 1 to 2.5 cm long.

This plant is poisonous and may cause loco disease in livestock. From this it derives the common name field locoweed or some other variations. It is therefore worthless as food and is consumed only when other forage is not available.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxytropis_campestris

See Also: send flowers online, florist ny, florist ca, Delivery Flowers


Bulbinella is a genus of plant which are most commonly taxonomically allocated to the family Asphodelaceae.

Most species are endemic to South Africa, confined to the winter rainfall area with a few in New Zealand where they are most common in the central Otago region which enjoys a similar climate to the Cape Region of South Africa.

They are characterised by the presence of a dense terminal raceme of flowers, often yellow but also white, pink, yellow or orange depending on the species.

In the New Zealand species only species with white and yellow flowers occur. Each flower occurs in the axil of a bract and has 1 nerved perianth segments that are almost free. Each flower has 6 stamens

The seeds are characteristically shield shaped and there are one or two seeds in each chamber. The plants may grow up to 1 metre in height and have narrow or thread like but never succulent leaves.

The leaves decay into prominent fibres at the base of the stem, often netted or reticulate in appearance, although this feature is absent from the New Zealand species. They tend to overwinter and aestivate with wiry or swollen tubers.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulbinella

See Also: Flowers India, Birthday Flowers, Flowers and gifts

Sinapis arvensis

Sinapis arvensis is a plant from the family Brassicaceae, it is commonly known as wild mustard or charlock. A native of Europe, it has also become naturalized throughout much of North America.

It is an annual or winter annual up to 1 m tall. The stems are erect with coarse spreading hairs near the base. The basal leaves are pinnatifid to dentate.

The cauline leaves are much reduced and are short petiolate to sessile but not auriculate-clasping. The inflorescence is a raceme made up of yellow flowers having four petals. The fruit is a silique 3-5 cm long with a beak 1-2 cm long that is flattened-quadrangular.

The valves of the silique are glabrous or rarely bristly, three to five nerved. The seeds are smooth 1-1.5 mm in diameter.

Wild mustard is highly invasive and has been reported to be poisonous to livestock. It is eaten by the caterpillars of some Lepidoptera, such as the Small White (Pieris rapae). It contains chemicals of the class glucosinolates, including sinalbin.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinapis_arvensis

See Also: Birthday gifts, India Gifts, India Gift

Potentilla neumanniana

Potentilla neumanniana, the Spring Cinquefoil or Spotted Cinquefoil, is a flowering plant of the cinquefoil genus (Potentilla) in the rose family (Rosaceae). It was first scientifically described by H.G.L. Reichenbach in 1832.

Some sources call it P. tabernaemontani, but that name, established later on by P.F.A. Ascherson, is not valid.

The name P. verna was misapplied to this species; actually, as originally described by Linnaeus, it refers to the Alpine Cinquefoil (P. crantzii).

This is a fairly nondescript species of cinquefoil. Its typical five-fingered leaves and – in early spring – five-petalled yellow flowers borne on low-lying stems.

As its common name implies, in most of its range it is one of the first cinquefoils to bloom. It can utilize dry marginal habitat, such as roadsides, dry meadows and even talus.

Thus it can be used for rock gardens, providing bright bunches of bright yellow when few other plants bloom.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potentilla_neumanniana

See Also: Malaysia Florist, Dubai Flower, Dubai Flowers

Delphinium luteum

The endangered flower Delphinium luteum, the yellow larkspur, is a perennial of the buttercup family which is endemic to the rocky, foggy hillsides of coastal Sonoma County, California.

There are probably fewer than 100 individuals left in existence. This rare plant is a small herb bearing bright yellow cornucopia-shaped flowers.

The plant was never distributed beyond the coastal area of Sonoma and Marin Counties, and has never been abundant. Activities in the area including quarrying, grazing, agriculture, and development further reduced the population of yellow larkspur to its current near extinction.

It has been listed as an endangered species since the 1970s. Extremely isolated patches of the plant still exist on private property near Bodega Bay, where it is protected.

Yellow larkspur is pollinated by hummingbirds and insects, and often hybridizes with two other Delphinium species if it receives their pollen.

However, pure unhybridized individuals of yellow larkspur exist and the genetic diversity within the species is high. More recent conservation attempts have focused on specifically preserving the yellow larkspur species.

A closely related flower in this region, Baker's larkspur, is also critically endangered, and the two species are often studied together.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delphinium_luteum

See Also: Malaysia Gift, Birthday Gift, Florist Malaysia


Alternanthera is a genus of approximately 80 herbaceous plant species in Amaranthaceae, the amaranth family. It is a widespread genus with a cosmopolitan distribution.

Several species are aquatic plant in habit, but most are spreading stoloniferous plants, sometimes used as ground cover. The leaves are simple and verticillate. The small white or yellow flowers are arranged in chafflike bracts, growing in the leaf buds.

Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides), a native of South America, forms dense, sprawling mats, reaching 15 m across. It is considered a noxious weed, choking ponds, lakes, streams, canals, and irrigation ditches.

It is being suppressed through biological control with the alligator weed flea beetle (Agasicles hygrophila), the alligator weed thrips (Amynothrips andersoni), and the alligator weed stem borer (Vogtia malloi). Mechanical and chemical controls fail.

There are only a few aquatic plants in the genus Alternanthera suitable for aquarium use. They are considered difficult to grow and maintain, because they are sensitive to certain parameters of light, water, and fertilizers.

The species often found in aquarium settings include A. bettzichiana, A. reineckii, A. reineckii var. lilacina, A. reineckii var. roseafolia, A. reineckii var. rubra, and A. sessilis, which is semi-aquatic.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternanthera

See Also: online flowers ordering, flower hong kong, hong kong flower

Solenomelus pedunculatus

Solenomelus pedunculatus syn. Solenomelus chilensis and Sisyrinchium pedunculatum is a common species of flowering plants of the genus Solenomelus that is native to the Chilean Andes.

It has grass-like leaves that are greyish green growing in a clump and a succession of short-lived deep yellow flowers on a zip-zag stalk. During dry summers the leaves die back much like Sisyrinchium bellum, but return when it starts raining in the autumn.

Solenomelus pedunculatus is a perennial that grows to about 40cms in height. It has grass-like leaves that are greyish green growing in a clump and a succession of short-lived deep yellow flowers with 6 petals on a zip-zag stalk.

Solenomelus pedunculatus grows at low altitude in interior valleys of coastal mountains (500 - 2000 m). It is predominantly found in humid areas, with almost constant rainfall. Short dry periods are possible (generally not longer than 1 month).

During dry summers the leaves die back much like Sisyrinchium bellum, but return when it starts raining in the autumn. It can be found in somewhat dry areas where the drought may last 3 - 5 months.

Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm are concentrated in winter. It cannot tolerate snow but can survive freezing down to -5 degrees C. Solenomelus pedunculatus prefers some shadow and protection against direct sunlight from vegetation, filtering about 20 - 80 % of light.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solenomelus_pedunculatus

See Also: Sending gift, send flowers to, same day roses delivery

Doronicum grandiflorum

Doronicum grandiflorum is a species of Doronicum, a member of the aster family.

D. grandiflorum is a perennial herb growing 10-40 cm. (4-16 in.) tall and bearing numerous yellow flower heads borne singly on hairy stalks.

The large, ovate (egg-shaped) ground-leaves have toothed edges and are supported by long, narrow petioles.

The flower stems also bear leaves spaced alternately along the lower half of the stem. These hug the stem and are ovate to lanceolate in shape.

The leaves are heavily densely beset with both glandular and non-glandular hairs. The flower heads are 4-6 cm. (1.5-2.5 in.) wide and have both yellow ray and disc flowers. Flowers appear from July through August.

This species is found growing in limestone rubble and gravel, such as that one eroding mountain slopes.

It is native to mountainous regions between 1400 and 3400 m in altitude in the Alps, Pyrenees and northern Balkans.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doronicum_grandiflorum

See Also: Flowers Online, Send Gift To, Send Gifts To

Agrimonia gryposepala

Agrimonia gryposepala (also known as Tall hairy agrimony, Common agrimony, Hooked agrimony, or Tall hairy grooveburr) is a small flowering plant of the rose family (Rosaceae), which is native to North America and was used by various indigenous peoples to treat medical problems such as diarrhea and fever.

Agrimonia gryposepala (also known as Tall hairy agrimony, Common agrimony, Hooked agrimony, or Tall hairy grooveburr) is a perennial forb (non-grassy herbaceous flowering plant) belonging to the rose family (Rosaceae).

The plant grows 1–5ft (about 30–150cm) high, producing a cluster of small, yellow, 5-parted flowers on a hairy stalk above pinnate leaves. The fruits are hooked dry seeds grouped in a cluster.

A spicy scent is released when the stem is crushed. The plant is native to several provinces of Canada and several states of the United States, and to Chiapas, Mexico. It grows in woodlands and forests.

The specific epithet, gryposepala, is derived from the Greek grypos, meaning curved or hooked, and from sepala, meaning sepal. The name "grooveburr," which is sometimes applied to the plant, comes from the grooved shape of the seedpod or burr.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agrimonia_gryposepala

See Also: Bouquet, Roses, Floral


Colutea is a genus of about 25 species of deciduous flowering shrubs from 2-5 m tall, native to southern Europe, north Africa and southwest Asia. The leaves are pinnate and light green to glaucous grey-green.

The flowers are yellow to orange pea shaped and produced in racemes throughout the summer. These are followed by the attractive inflated seed pods which change from pale green to red or copper in colour.

Colutea arborescens, known as Bladder Senna, is indigenous to the Mediterranean; it has yellow flowers. It has a height and spread of up to 5 m. Other species include Colutea orientalis, with grey leaves and coppery flowers.

One of the species, Colutea arborescens, is in general cultivation in the UK. It is grown mostly for its attractive seed pods.

Colutea arborescens will grow in poor sandy soils as well as heavy or loamy soils and is easy to propagate from seed. It is generally pest resistant, though garden snails will climb up the plant in wet weather to eat the leaves.

It has become naturalised in the UK. The hybrid Colutea x media (C. arborescens x C. orientalis) is also cultivated for its coppery flowers.

Colutea species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora colutella.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colutea

See Also: Online Florist, flower shop, Flowers delivery

Iris xiphium

Iris xiphium, commonly known as the Spanish Iris, is an iris native to Spain and Portugal.

It is bulbous and bears handsome blue and yellow flowers, though they are not so large as those of I. xiphiodes.

This species is also known as the Small Bulbous-rooted Iris and many hybrids are known as Dutch Iris. The Spanish Iris is favoured by florists for its striking colour combinations.

This species has several varieties popular in horticulture, among them var. lusitanica whose flowers are yellow all over.

It is among the hardier bulbous irises, and can be grown in northern Europe. It requires to be planted in thoroughly drained beds in very light open soil, moderately enriched, and should have a rather sheltered position. It typically flowers in May and June, but not always.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_xiphium

See Also: flowers, send flowers, flower delivery

Ribes aureum

Ribes aureum Pursh (syn. R. odoratum H.Wendl.; Buffalo Currant; Clove Currant; Golden Currant; Missouri Currant) is a species of small to medium-sized deciduous shrubs 2 to 3 meters tall in the genus Ribes.

It is native to Canada, most of the United States (except the southeast) and northern Mexico. It blooms in spring with racemes of conspicuous golden yellow flowers, often with a pronounced fragrance similar to that of cloves or vanilla.

Flowers may also be shades of cream to reddish, and are borne in clusters of up to 15. Leaves are green, shaped similarly to gooseberry leaves, turning red in autumn. The shrub produces berries about 1 centimeter in diameter from an early age.

Ripe fruits, amber yellow to black in color, are edible. The flowers are also edible. R. aureum is widely cultivated in cold temperate regions as an ornamental plant or, more rarely, for fruits. Several named cultivars exist.

Although flowers are hermaphrodite, the yield is greatly benefited by cross-pollination. Unlike many other species of currant, R. aureum is remarkably drought-tolerant.

This currant is susceptible to white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola), a fungus which attacks and kills pines, so it is sometimes eradicated from forested areas where the fungus is active to prevent its spread.

The berries were used for food and other plant parts for medicine by several Native American groups.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribes_aureum

See Also: florist, florists, flower

19 Mei 2010


Vitis (grapevines) is a genus of about 60 species of vining plants in the flowering plant family Vitaceae. The genus is made up of species predominantly from the Northern hemisphere. It is economically important as the source of grapes, both for direct consumption of the fruit and for fermentation to produce wine. The study and cultivation of grapevines is called viticulture.

Vitis is distinguished from other genera of Vitaceae by having petals which remain joined at the tip and detach from the base to fall together as a calyptra or 'cap'. The flowers are unisexual or modified to act functionally as unisexual, they are pentamerous with a hypogynous disk. The calyx is greatly reduced or nonexistent in most species and the petals are joined at the summit into one unit but separated at the base.

Flower buds are formed later in the growing season and overwinter for blooming in spring of the next year. There are two types of flowers produced, sterile flowers with five long filaments and erect stamens with undeveloped pistils and fertile flowers with well developed pistals and that have five undeveloped reflexed stamens. The fruit is a berry, normally produced with four or less per flower by way of aborted embryos, ovoid in shape and juicy.

In the wild, all species of Vitis are normally dioecious, but under domestication, variants with perfect flowers appear to have been selected.

Most Vitis species have 38 chromosomes (n=19), but 40 (n=20) in subgenus Muscadinia. In that respect the Muscadinia are the same as other Vitaceae such as Ampelocissus, Parthenocissus, and Ampelopsis.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitis

See Also: Perth florist, Malaysia florist, Thai flowers, Fathers day

Amaranthus caudatus

Amaranthus caudatus is a species of annual flowering plant. It goes by common names such as love-lies-bleeding, love-lies-a'bleeding, pendant amaranth, tassel flower, velvet flower, foxtail amaranth, and quelite. Many parts of the plants, including the leaves and seeds, are edible, and are frequently used as a source of food in India and South America — where it is the most important Andean species of Amaranthus, known as Kiwicha (see also Andean ancient plants). This species, as with many other of the Amaranths, are originally from the American tropics. The exact origin is unknown, as A. caudatus is believed to be a wild Amaranthus hybridus aggregate.

The red color of the inflorescences is due to a high content of betacyanins, like in the related species known as "Hopi Red Dye" amaranth. Ornamental garden varieties sold under the latter name are either Amaranthus cruentus or a hybrid between A. cruentus and Amaranthus powelli. In indigenous agriculture, Amaranthus cruentus is the Central American counterpart to South American Amaranthus caudatus.

A. caudatus can grow anywhere from 3 to 8 feet in height, and grows best in full sun. It can handle a variety of conditions, both humid and arid. It is easily grown from seed; plants can be started indoors in early spring and transplanted outdoors after the last frost.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaranthus_caudatus

See Also: Sydney florist, Melbourne florist, Brisbane florist


Hyssop (Hyssopus) is a genus of about 10-12 species of herbaceous or semi-woody plants in the family Lamiaceae, native from the east Mediterranean to central Asia. They are aromatic, with erect branched stems up to 60 cm long covered with fine hairs at the tips. The leaves are narrow oblong, 2–5 cm long. The small blue flowers are borne on the upper part of the branches during summer. By far the best-known species is the Herb Hyssop (H. officinalis), widely cultivated outside its native area in the Mediterranean.

The name 'hyssop' can be traced back almost unchanged through the Greek ύσσωπος (hyssopos) and Hebrew אזוב (ezov). The Book of Exodus records that the blood of the sacrifices was applied to the doorposts using hyssop on the night of Passover. Its purgative properties are also mentioned in the Book of Psalms. In the New Testament, a sponge soaked in sour wine or vinegar was stuck on a branch of hyssop and offered to Jesus of Nazareth on the cross just before he died. Both Matthew and Mark mention the occasion but refer to the plant using the general term καλαμος (kalamos), which is translated as "reed" or "stick."

The seeds are sown in spring and the seedlings planted out 40–50 cm apart. Hyssop can also be propagated from cuttings or root division in spring or autumn. Hyssop should be grown in full sun on well drained soil, and will benefit from occasional clipping. It is short-lived, and the plants will need to be replaced every few years. Ideal for use as a low hedge or border within the herb garden.

Hyssop also has uses in the garden, it is said to be a good companion plant to cabbage, partly because it will lure away the Cabbage White butterfly. It has also "been found to improve the yield from grapevines if planted along the rows, particularly if the terrain is rocky or sandy, and the soil is not as easy to work as it might be." Hyssop is said to be antagonistic to radishes, and they should not be grown nearby. Hyssop also attracts bees, hoverflies and butterflies, thus has a place in the wild garden as well as being useful in controlling pests and encouraging pollination without the use of unnatural methods.

Hyssop leaves can be preserved by drying. They should be harvested on a dry day at the peak of their maturity and the concentration of active ingredients is highest. They should be dried quickly, away from bright sunlight in order to preserve their aromatic ingredients and prevent oxidation of other chemicals. Good air circulation is required, such as an airing cupboard with the door left open, or a sunny room, aiming for a temperature of 20-32°C. Hyssop leaves should dry out in about six days, any longer and they will begin to discolor and lose their flavor. The dried leaves are stored in clean, dry, labelled airtight containers, and will keep for 12–18 months.

Hyssop is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Cabbage Moth.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyssop

See Also: Flowers, Florist, Florists

18 Mei 2010


The genus Muscari, commonly and collectively known as grape hyacinths, are a group of perennial plants native to Eurasia that produce urn-shaped spikes of dense, most commonly blue, flowers resembling bunches of grapes in the spring. White cultivars also exist.

Classified as being in the family Hyacinthaceae, they have also been placed amongst the Liliaceae as a member of the Hyacintheae tribe. There are about forty species. These are subdivided into subgenera e.g Botryanthus.

Some species are among the earliest to bloom in the spring. They are planted as bulbs and tend to multiply quickly (naturalise) when planted in good soils. They prefer well drained sandy soil, that is acid to neutral and not too rich. May be found in woodlands or meadows, they are commonly cultivated in lawns, borders, rock gardens and containers. They require little feeding or watering in the summer, and sun or light shade.

Muscari comosum bulbs are pickled and eaten in Greece under the name βολβοί ([vol'vi] lit. 'bulbs') and in the Basilicata and Puglia region of Italy, under the names "lampascioni", "lampasciuni", "lamponi". They are included in the Ark of Taste catalogue of heritage foods.

The Muscari have originated in the old world, from the Mediterranean basin, the Center and South of Europe, Northern Africa, the West, Center and South-West of Asia. The term muscari comes from the Latin muscus, since the scent is said to resemble musk.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscari

See Also: Perth florist, Malaysia florist, Thai flowers, Fathers day


Zantedeschia (pronounced /ˌzæntɨˈdɛskiə/) is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to southern Africa from South Africa north to Malawi. The name of the genus was given as a tribute to Italian botanist Giovanni Zantedeschi (1773–1846) by the German botanist Kurt Sprengel (1766–1833).

Common names include Arum lily for Z. aethiopica, calla, and calla lily for Z. elliottiana and Z. rehmannii although it is neither a true lily (Liliaceae), nor Arum or Calla (related genera in Araceae). It is also often erroneously spelled as "cala lily". It has often been used in many paintings, and is visible in many of Diego Rivera's works of art (see The Flower Vendor, amongst others).

The Zantedeschia are rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plants growing to 1-2.5 m tall with leaves 15–45 cm long. The inflorescence is a showy white, yellow or pink spathe shaped like a funnel with a yellow, central, finger-like spadix.

The Zantedeschia species are poisonous due to the presence of calcium oxalate. "All parts of the plant are toxic, and produce irritation and swelling of the mouth and throat, acute vomiting and diarrhea." . However leaves are sometimes cooked and eaten.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zantedeschia

See Also: Sydney florist, Melbourne florist, Brisbane florist


Spring Snowflake (Leucojum vernum) and Summer Snowflake or Loddon Lily (Leucojum aestivum) are bulbous plants belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family. They are the only species currently classified in the genus Leucojum. Leucojum is a compound of Greek leukos "white" and ion "violet".

The snowflakes are native to central and southern Europe, from the Pyrenées to Romania and western Russia, but they have been introduced and have naturalized in many other areas, including the east coast of North America. They have narrow, strap-like, dark green leaves. The flowers are small and bell-shaped, white with a green (or occasionally yellow) spot at the end of each tepal. They have a slight fragrance.

Leucojum vernum (Spring snowflake) normally grows 15-20 cm tall (6-8 in), though it may reach up to 35 cm (14 in). It flowers one or two weeks later than the snowdrops, i.e., from mid-February to March, as soon as the snow melts in its wild habitat.

Two varieties are known: L. vernum var. vernum with green spots on its tepals, and L. vernum var. carpathicum, which originates from the eastern part of its natural range, a larger plant with yellowish spots on its tepals; 'vagneri' from Hungary is a robust variant of var. vernum, often with two flowers per stem.

Leucojum aestivum (Summer snowflake) has a wider natural range, taking in Europe (including the British Isles), southwest Asia and northern Iran, and growing in wetter habitats including damp woodland, riversides and swamps. Despite its common name it flowers from April to May, though later than the Spring Snowflake. It is a taller plant than Leucojum vernum, growing to around 60 cm (2 ft), but its flowers are smaller and are carried in an umbel of between three and seven. Its fleshy seed pods are inflated, allowing them to be dispersed by flood water. Leucojum aestivum subsp. pulchellum (Salisb.) Briq., native to the western Mediterranean Basin, is smaller: 20 cm (8 in), and flowers 2 weeks earlier, i.e., from mid-March.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leucojum

See Also: Flowers, Florist, Florists

17 Mei 2010


A tulip is a bulbous plant in the genus Tulipa, comprising 109 species with showy flowers, in the family Liliaceae.The species native range includes southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia from Anatolia and Iran in the west to northeast of China. The centre of diversity of the genus is in the Pamir and Hindu Kush mountains and the steppes of Kazakhstan. A number of species and many hybrid cultivars are grown in gardens, used as pot plants or as fresh cut flowers. Most cultivars of tulip are derived from Tulipa gesneriana.

The species are perennials from bulbs, the tunicate bulbs often produced on the ends of stolons and covered with hairless to variously hairy papery coverings. The species include short low-growing plants to tall upright plants, growing from 10 to 70 centimeters (4–27 in) tall. They can even grow in the cold and snowy winter. Plants typically have 2 to 6 leaves, with some species having up to 12 leaves. The cauline foliage is strap-shaped, waxy-coated, usually light to medium green and alternately arranged. The blades are somewhat fleshy and linear to oblong in shape.

The large flowers are produced on scapes or subscapose stems normally lacking bracts. The stems have no leaves to a few leaves, with large species having some leaves and smaller species have none. Typically species have one flower per stem but a few species have up to four flowers. The colourful and attractive cup shaped flowers typically have three petals and three sepals, which are most often termed tepals because they are nearly identical. The six petaloid tepals are often marked near the bases with darker markings.

The flowers have six basifixed, distinct stamens with filaments shorter than the tepals and the stigmas are districtly 3-lobed. The ovaries are superior with three chambers. The 3 angled fruits are leathery textured capsules, ellipsoid to subglobose in shape, containing numerous flat disc-shaped seeds in two rows per locule. The flat, light to dark brown seeds are arranged in two rows per chamber and have very thin seed coats and endosperm that does not normally fill the entire seed coat.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip

See Also: Perth florist, Malaysia florist, Thai florist, Fathers day

Lemon Mint

Lemon mint (Monarda citriodora), also called purple horse mint or lemon beebalm, is, as the names imply, a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae), which has a citrus smell when crushed, reminiscent of the fruit of the actual lemon plant, and which has purple flowers that prove irresistible to both bees and hummingbirds. Sometimes, especially late in the season, the odor is described as resembling oregano more than lemon.

This widespread plant grows in prairies, roadsides and other sunny habitats from California to Florida, and from Nebraska to Texas. It prefers soils with a high percentage of clay, such as the vertisols and mollisols typical of tallgrass prairies, where it sometimes forms impressive blankets of summer flowers.

Most recipes bearing the name "lemon mint" actually use spearmint and the juice or other components of the actual fruit of the lemon plant rather than this plant. However, lemon mint is occasionally used in herbal teas.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_mint

See Also: Flowers, Florist, Florists

14 Mei 2010


A rose is a perennial flower shrub or vine of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae, that contains over 100 species and comes in a variety of colours. The species form a group of erect shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants, with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles. Most are native to Asia, with smaller numbers of species native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Natives, cultivars and hybrids are all widely grown for their beauty and fragrance.

The leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, with sharply toothed oval-shaped leaflets. The plant's fleshy edible fruit, which ripens in the late summer through autumn, is called a rose hip. Rose plants range in size from compact, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach 7 meters in height. Species from different parts of the world easily hybridize, which has given rise to the many types of garden roses.

The name rose comes from French, itself from Latin, rosa, which was borrowed from Oscan, from Greek ρόδιόν rhodion (Aeolic υρόδιόν wrodion), from Old Persian wurdi "flower" (cf. Avest. warda, Sogdian ward, Parthian wâr).

Attar of rose is the steam-extracted essential oil from rose flowers that has been used in perfumes for centuries. Rose water, made from the rose oil, is widely used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The French are known for their rose syrup, most commonly made from an extract of rose petals. In the United States, this French rose syrup is used to make rose scones and marshmallows.

Rose hips are occasionally made into jam, jelly, and marmalade, or are brewed for tea, primarily for their high Vitamin C content. They are also pressed and filtered to make rose hip syrup. Rose hips are also used to produce Rose hip seed oil, which is used in skin products and some makeup products.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose

See Also: Sydney florist,Melbourne florist, Brisbane florist

12 Mei 2010

Whatever the occasion

Whatever the occasion is, be it online orders for birthday balloons, be it flowers for mother’s day, gifts for father’s day, flowers for wedding, new born baby gifts or be it valentine’s day roses.

online florists will do it all for you, and not only that, because they will also bring them to you with a unique touch. So, just make sure that you have your favorite online florist address in your PC or notebook, or even in your cell phone, so that they could come in handy whenever you need to send flowers to someone.

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Sebelum ini, Internet Marketing dianggap sebagai anak tiri oleh banyak kalangan. Selama periode tahun 80-90an misalnya era advertising dikuasai oleh media televisi dan cetak. Kejayaan dunia iklan di kedua media tersebut masih terasa hingga kini. Meski demikian, sebuah fenomena menyeruak di tengah dua media tersebut. Apalagi kalau bukan iklan di media online.

Seiring dengan meningkatnya perusahaan yang ngotot untuk berebut posisi di mata para pelanggannya, maka upaya-upaya iklan tradisional dirasa kurang terasa efektiv. Bahkan ada sebuah buku yang membahas advertising berpendapat bahwa advertising agency telah kehilangan fokus dan hanya berlomba membuat iklan yang menjadi sebuah karya seni. Itulah sebabnya mengapa muncul anggapan bahwa advertising akan mati.

Meski demikian, ada sebuah penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa advertising dapat berubah pada masa yang akan datang. Perubahan itu mulai terasa saat ini. Berdasarkan penelitian eMarketer misalnya, perusahaan mulai serius beriklan di media baru: Internet. Tahun ini misalnya, budget iklan online perusahaan di Amerika Serikat untuk pertama kalinya akan menembus angka 10 Milyar Dollar AS, bahkan diproyeksikan dapat mencapai 12 Milyar Dolar AS. Empat tahun mendatang, angka itu akan membengkak menjadi 22 Milyar Dolar AS.

Peningkatan angka belanja iklan online ini memakan korban media tradisional. Berdasarkan survei InsightExpress, 74% eksekutif media buying dan planning meningkatkan budget iklannya ke media internet. Itu berarti 23 poin lebih tinggi daripada media yang paling diminati yaitu TV Cable. Sedangkan 19% atau lebih responden menyatakan akan memotong anggaran iklan pada media seperti Koran, radio, majalah dan TV.

Meski anggaran belanja pasang iklan pada media internet meningkat, perkembangan tersebut tidaklah setinggi peningkatan jumlah audience. Secara keseluruhan pengeluaran untuk iklan online meningkat 32,5% namun belanja untuk setiap pengakses Internet hanya meningkat 27,9%. “Ini berarti uang telah gagal mengikuti di Internet,” kata David Hallerman, analis senior eMarketer.

Penyebab utama fenomena itu adalah miskinnya tingkat kreativitas iklan online. Dibandingkan iklan audio dan visual di televisi atau design dan warna yang memikat pada iklan majalah, iklan pada internet terlihat datar. Akibatnya, banner pada portal dan website dinilai kurang memikat


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Jasa Iklan & Iklan Baris

Fenomena Promosi Iklan di Internet

Sebagai salah satu alat pemasaran , internet telah menjadi sebuah fenomena yang semakin marak di geluti. Banyak pengusaha atau bisnis yang telah merambah ke jalur internet untuk bisa tetap bersaing dengan rival nya. Dan tak pelak jalur pemasaran internet (internet marketing) banyak diakui telah menambah produktifitas yang semakin meningkat.

Baru -baru ini ada sebuah sms yg masuk ke inbox Handphone saya , datang dari sebuah biro Jasa Advertising yg menangani tiga media cetak besar. Sms itu mengatakan bahwa hanya dengan sekian ratus ribu rupiah , iklan saya akan terpasang di koran ternama selama satu bulan dan terpampang di media internet (Website) selama tiga bulan. …

Pertanyaan saya : Apakah sudah semurah ini biaya pasang Iklan di media cetak ? sehingga biaya yg dulu muahhal nya minta ampun , kini hampir bisa dikatakan “Obral besar Iklan” ?

Pertanyaan kedua : Apakah orang yang ingin Pasang Iklan sudah sebegitu sedikit nya , sehingga strategi pemasaran media cetak sampai menurunkan harga jualnya ?

Pertanyan ketiga : Bukankah ini pertanda bahwa semakin banyak pengiklan konvensional yg menyadari akan peran penting media internet yg murah dan sangat luas pangsa pasarnya ?

Jawabannya : Inilah Fenomena Internet Marketing , yang mau tidak mau, suka tidak suka , adalah menjadi sebuah wacana baru yang mesti kita pelajari untuk bisa berperan didalamnya …

Semoga bermanfaat

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Jasa Iklan & Iklan Baris

Metode-metode Pokok dalam Jasa Advertising

Banyak media atau Jasa Advertising untuk mempromosikan bisnis anda, diantaranya adalah:

Majalah – Iklan-iklan dalam majalah mungkin cukup mahal. Carilah informasi mengenai majalah yang khusus berisi bidang industri Anda. Jika Anda menemukannya, akan sangat berguna bagi Anda karena majalah tersebut fokus pada pasar dan pelanggan potensial Anda. Pertimbangkan untuk memasang sebuah iklan atau tulis sebuah artikel singkat pada majalah tersebut. Anda bisa menemui seorang reporter dan memperkenalkan diri Anda. Seorang reporter biasanya mencari informasi baru dari sumber-sumber yang baru untuk dikumpulkan.

Koran (utama) – Hampir setiap orang membaca koran utama lokal. Anda dapat mengiklankan bisnis atau usaha Anda dengan mengirimkan surat kepada editornya atau bekerjasama dengan reporternya untuk menuliskan cerita mengenai bisnis atau usaha Anda. Iklan ini bisa jadi akan cukup mahal. Koran biasanya cukup lengkap dalam memberikan saran tentang apa dan bagaimana memasang iklan. Untuk mengetahui kapan Anda harus memasang iklan, tergantung pada kebiasaan-kebiasaan pelanggan Anda dalam berbelanja.

Papan pemasangan poster dan buletin – Poster akan lebih maksimal jika ditempelkan di tempat dimana para pelanggan akan benar-benar memperhatikannya. Namun pikirkan juga, seberapa sering Anda perhatikan iklan Anda sendiri. Selalu perbarui poster Anda dengan yang lebih berwarna yang nantinya akan terlihat baru dan sayang untuk diabaikan. Perhatikan bahwa beberapa perusahaan dan pemerintah lokal mempunyai peraturan mengenai ukuran poster yang dapat dipasang dalam wilayah tersebut.

Iklan Televisi – Banyak orang tidak mempertimbangkan untuk pasang iklan di televisi karena pandangan bahwa pemasangan itu akan sangat mahal. Iklan di televisi jauh lebih mahal dari semua bentuk iklan yang ada. Namun demikian, dengan meningkatnya jumlah jaringan dan stasiun televisi, para pengusaha mempunyai kesempatan yang besar untuk memasang iklan komersial ataupun bentuk iklan lainnya. Pada umumnya, perhitungan harga iklan di televisi sama dengan iklan di radio, yaitu, jumlah iklan, durasi iklan, dan kapan saja iklan tersebut ditayangkan.

Web pages (Halaman Web) – Anda mungkin belum pernah melihat model Jasa Advertising ini dalam daftar metode pemasangan iklan kalau Anda melihat daftar tersebut dua tahun yang lalu. Karena sekarang, iklan dan promosi dalam the World Wide Web (Website yang cakupannya internasional) sudah hampir menjadi hal yang umum. Bisnis atau usaha yang menggunakan halaman Web Portal kadang-kadang hanya untuk menunjukkan informasi terbaru (informasi yang selalu diperbarui). Penggunaan Web untuk Iklan memerlukan peralatan dan keahlian khusus, termasuk komputer, menggunakan jasa penyedia layanan internet, membeli atau menyewa nama sebuah Website, mendesain dan menginstal Website graphics (salah satu program komputer) dan hal-hal lainnya yang diperlukan (misalnya, sebuah toko online untuk aktivitas jual beli secara online), mempromosikan Website (melalui berbagai macam mesin pencari, buku petunjuk, dan lain-lain), dan maintaining Website tersebut. (Lihat Membangun, Mengatur dan Mempromosikan Website Anda dan Iklan dan Promosi secara Online.)


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan Baris

Tips Membuat Iklan Baris yang Efektif

Dengan banyak portal dan jasa advertising online pada saat in, maka dunia bisnis makin bersaing untuk memulai bisnis online dengan cara memasang iklan di internet, agar Iklan yang dipasang efektif dan bisa di indeks di mesin pencari, berikut tips yang membuat iklan baris laris manis:

Gunakan Kata Kunci Pada Judul:

Memilih kata kunci yang spesifik akan menghasilkan iklan yang lebih tertarget dengan rasio klik yang lebih tinggi.


- Handphone

- Jual Handphone

- Jual Handphone Baru

- Jual Handphone Nokia Baru

- Jual Handphone Nokia N95 Baru

Lebih spesifik lebih bagus dan yang meilhat Iklan Baris anda akan lebih kepada prospek yang tertarget.

Hindari Kata Tidak Berguna atau berlebihan:

Contoh penulisan seperti di bawah ini tidak seach engine friendly:

- Gratisss

- Gratissss!!!

Pilih Kategori iklan yang sesuai pada judul:

Iklan Anda muncul ketika ada prospek memilih kategori iklan. Ini akan membantu menaikkan trafik pengunjung ke web/blog Anda.

Untuk Anda yang menggunakan fasilitas Iklan Baris gratis (non-premium):

Pastikan iklan Anda selalu tampil di halaman muka/halaman pertama saat pengunjung pertama kali mengunjungi website ini sehingga iklan Anda tampil dan dibaca prospek akan mengklik web/blog/bisnis/produk yang sedang Anda iklankan. Ini bisa mendongkrak trafik pengunjung ke web/blog Anda sehingga produk Anda laris manis.

Jika iklan Anda ternyata tidak menempati halaman pertama (karena sudah diposting oleh pengiklan lain), Anda bisa posting lagi iklan seperti pertama kali Anda pasang iklan.

Cara yang paling mudah dengan memasang Iklan premium dengan biaya terjangkau, iklan Anda akan tampil di halaman muka.


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan Baris