29 Juni 2010


Fileziya (Latin Philesia, App. Coicopihue) - monotypic genus of evergreen flowering shrubs of the family Philesiaceae that is endemic to Chile.


The only species of the genus - Fileziya magellanskaya (Philesia magellanica) - evergreen shrub to 1 m in diameter and 2 meters, often climbing, growing in the mountains, in forest swamps in southern Chile.

Leaves are small, lanceolate, length from 12 to 35 mm, bottom white or bluish-white, very similar to the leaves of other marsh plants - a multi butterbur (Andromeda polifolia) of the family Ericaceae, which grows in the Northern Hemisphere.

Flowers are bell-shaped or tubular, purple-pink color, up to 6 cm flowering time - the end of summer.

Fruit - berry.

Synonym: Philesia buxifolia Willd. - Fileziya samshitolistnaya.

Fileziya in culture

In 1847 fileziyu brought to England and has since grown as an ornamental plant.

In most plants suitable cool climate, but without the negative temperatures: a plant can withstand frost down to minus 10 degrees, but they cause plant damage. Fileziyu better place in light shade. The soil should be rich in humus and well drained. Reproduction - cuttings, or layering.

Known intergeneric hybrids filezii and lapazherii, × Philageria veitchii Mast. - Filazheriya Veech - obtained in England in 1872 in horticulture Veech. This evergreen shrub with twining branches and pink flowers.

Source: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%8F

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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