30 Juni 2010

Various names of hollyhock

Alcea rosea
Alcea rosea Hollyhock also known as one of the most cultivated species of the genus Althaea, belonging to the Malvaceae family. It originated in China, was introduced in Europe in the sixteenth century.

Is commonly known by various names: hollyhock, malva de las Indias, real Canamera, mauve isabela.

This herb has jumped from the gardens to naturalize and we can find naturalized. With more than a meter tall (can reach up to 2.5 m), erect, their large and showy flowers along the stem is very popular in landscaping, even though its fragrance is nil or negligible him.

All stem stellate hairs has (pubescent) that are spaced as the plant grows. The leaves are the stem by a petiole long, too hairy (you can see in the second picture on the left). Leaves are alternate, lobed in 3 to 5 parts palmatipartidas also either 3 or 5 parts. The edge of the blade is serrated-crenate, with the back of a different color or discolor the ace. They are rough and harsh limbo.

The flowers have a small stalk of 3 to 5 cm, although the size is very variable; petals also show a great variety: from about 5 cm or more, but in a vast range of colors. They are ovate (egg shaped) and axial. There are varieties of white, pink, red or purple. Of these last two dyes and dyes are extracted for food. The flowers of this species are commonly used in infusion for its expectorant properties.

Epicalyx have a set of overlapping bracts to the calyx, so that apparently has a second cup with 6 or 8 pieces, with a size of approximately one third of the cup. Shown in the photograph on the right.

The fruit is a schizocarp; to dry it spreads like the branches of an orange in more than two dozen oval seeds about 6 mm in length and about 5 mm wide which are called (mericarps).

Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcea_rosea

See Also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist

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