Maulid al-Nabi (Arabic مولد آلنبي) in Islam-birthday celebration of Prophet Muhammad. Spend 12 of the third month of the lunar (Islamic) calendar Rabi al-Aahualii.
In some Muslim countries have been quite magnificent and the entire month: urban hang posters with verses from the Holy Koran in mosques, people gather and sing religious songs (Nasheeds), made speeches theologians.
Since the exact date of his birth is unknown, Maulid timed to the day of his death.
Also sometimes called Miladun assembly of Muslims, which are going to do the same thing as a holiday Maulid, but such meetings are not held in conjunction with a specific date. In some nations, traditionally Muslim, Maulid also called and the meeting on the occasion of the wedding, birth, etc.
For permission from the standpoint of the Islamic Shariah, the practice of so-called Miladun not confined to the expected date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) among Islamic scholars and streams have no disagreements, provided if they complied with Shariah.
As for the permissibility of a holiday in honor of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, called "Maulid" or "Maulid al-Nabi," then this issue among Islamic theologians, there is considerable disagreement (see "Theology and Maulid).
The history of the holiday
First Mawlid started celebrating at the direction of Muzaffar al-Din Ibn Zain al-Din, the ruler of the Syrian Irbil area in the XII century of the Gregorian era. For the first Mawlid he gathered prominent scholars and Sufis, a good knowledge of Hadith.
Traditions of the holiday
Currently Maulid al-Nabi is widely celebrated in Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and other Muslim countries. In Pakistan, he is an official holiday, celebrated for three days off.
Maulid consists of prayers and words of remembrance of Allah, praise, prophet, poetic narratives, and lectures about his life and birth. At Maulid usually expressed joy at the arrival in this world of Mohammed, which Muslims believe the last messenger of God, and to pray for it thanks to Almighty God, to pray to God with prayers, give alms to the poor and pious talk to each other.
In Egypt and some other Arab countries this holiday is especially loved by children. Everywhere there are decorated with flags pavilions, which sells a variety of largest sugar figurines "arusat Al-Nabi" - "the bride of the Prophet" - with a colorful paper fan behind him. Another popular sweet figurine - the rider with a sword in his hand.
Theology and Mawlid
In the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the first few centuries after his death, his birthday did not observed. However, later this tradition rooted in the Muslim society, through its introduction of the Syrian ruler of Irbil area in the XII century of the Gregorian chronology.
The very fact that this holiday is a late innovation in Islam is the main argument of opponents of his celebration of.
Supporters of the holiday
Supporters celebrate Miladun rely on two well-known views. The first of them - the celebration of Maulid love of the Prophet Muhammad, coming from the set of his hadith, one of which is shown below.
"I swear by those in whose palms of my soul I'm not sure any of you until it is to love me more than the love of his father and his children. "
Main arguments of supporters celebrate Maulid
1. Show love to the prophet Muhammad, and thus enjoy his birth, tells Muslims to Allah .
2. The Messenger of Allah appreciated his birth (in particular, he fasted on Mondays, because he was born on Monday), thanked the Almighty Allah for what He created it and gave it life, praising Him for a blessing.
3. Prophet Muhammad rewarded poets in praise of him in his works, approve it.
4. Mawlid - a collection of Muslims to express joy for the birth of the Prophet and love for him. In the hadith says that everyone will be next to someone he loves.
5. Singing Mawlid (poetic narratives of the birth of the Prophet, about his life and prophetic mission) facilitates the acquisition of knowledge about the Prophet, and the one who has such knowledge, reminds us of this again, and it causes emotions that contribute to increasing the love of the Prophet.
6. In Islam, Muslims appreciated the meeting for the joint ibadata (worship), the study of religion, almsgiving (Sadaka.
7. Not all, what did the Messenger of Allah, is forbidden and undesirable. For example, when his life was not collected in one book, the Koran, were not collected in the books of Hadith were not formed by some Islamic science was not Islamic books, educational institutions, there was no Islamic preaching on radio and television, etc. But Still, according to Islam is not only not forbidden, but also desirable and highly esteemed.
8. Such eminent Islamic scholars like Imam Hafiz ibn Hajar and Imam Suyuti Askalyani, talked about the permissibility of Mawlid.
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